
Welcome to HHR Lasers, Inc. (www.hhr-lasers.com)

(Click To Zoom) burn-in of a refurbished s.p. 165 
argon ion laser (plasma tube #070-52)

Wanted: Lasers Dead or Alive!

Welcome to HHR Lasers, Inc. (formerly H&H Research, Inc.), your source for some of the finest refurbished gas laser tubes and rebuilt laser systems available today. For more than 30 years, HHR has stood for both quality and pioneering research in laser science.

    Whether you're from industry, government, higher education or the medical field, we can furnish the technology to meet your needs. That also applies to the more esoteric end-users; for example, those of you from holographers to light show laserists to techno-hobbyists. Here at HHR, we:

shs  v refurbish, repair and upgrade laser 

shs  v specialize in argon, krypton, mixed 
gas, HeCd, and HeNe

shs  v stock a large inventory of remanu- 
factured lasers and accessories

shs  v purchase your used or dead laser 
systems and components

shs  v provide on- and off-site consulting,
diagnostic and set-up services

shs  v make factory-new laser tubes, with 
full factory warranties

shs  v design and build both experimental 
and specialty laser tubes

shs  v offer a variety of both scientific and 
fine art glassblowing skills

shs  v sell & service white light systems for 
laser light shows

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Dale Harder
HHR Lasers, Inc.

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